Thursday, August 21, 2008

More addictive than Geometry Wars has now been updated with the first test. While ridiculously simple, it's also insanely addictive.

I played it for a couple hours tonight and my best score was an 84. I took a break and now I can't log back in. It's driving me crazy. I found a message board where they were talking about it, and the highest score I saw posted was an 88, so that's my goal.


Cat Carlisle said...

The best I could do was 85. Actually when I scored 85 I probably could've gotten 86 but my last piece was slightly misplaced and I lost a second while fixing it. Good luck trying to get 88! I think I'll probably be content with my 85 - as DMI golf has taught me, there's always someone out there who can get a higher score than me, no matter how many hours I waste trying to win. ;)

happysmilepatrol said...

Way to go!