Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Would Hillary lose to each of the major Republican candidates?

Today on Digg an article was posted with a new poll by Zogby suggesting that Hillary Clinton would lose to all the major Republican candidates if the election were held today.

From the article:

In the new survey, Clinton trailed Senator John McCain 42 percent to 38 percent, former New York mayor Rudolph Giuliani by 43 percent to 40 percent and former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney by 43 percent to 40 percent.

She also lagged behind former Arkansas Republican governor Mike Huckabee by 44 to 39 percent, and former Senator Fred Thompson by 44 to 40 percent in hypothetical general election matchups.

So Hillary trails in each of the match-ups among those with an opinion, with the percentage she trails in each match-up ranging from 3 to 5 percent.

But I think the key number here is the percentage of undecideds for the various match-ups, which ranged from 16 to 20 percent.

With the anti-Bush, anti-Republican mood of the country as strong as it is, I would guess that the undecideds, if forced to choose (as they would have to if the election were actually held today), would overwhelmingly break for Hillary, giving her the election easily.

The article also states that Obama and Edward both have leads over every major Republican candidate among those with an opinion, but if does not state how big the margins are, or what percentage of respondents were undecided.

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