Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Northern Attack's 2007 Office Writing Contest - Week 3

It was really difficult deciding on my 3 favorite entries from Challenge #2. So many creative and hilarious entries. But I was eventually was able to whittle it down to 3. I am really disappointed that 9 people that did the first challenge didn't do the second one, including one of the people that I voted for on Challenge #1.

I posted my entry for Challenge #3 a little bit ago. Writing dialogue is definitely not one of my strengths so I did something different for this one.

Writing Assignment #3: It's a (Less) Wonderful Office


February 1, 2008

Haven't seen the redhead at work lately. I asked the midget lady about it. She said we had a big going away party for her and that I was there. Something about her marrying that Knight Rider guy and moving to California. She never gave me back my signed copy of Charlotte Light and Dark.

February 15, 2008

The air here at Dinder Mufflin seems different somehow recently. Also, I've had to drink an extra bottle of wine to get my same buzz on.

February 29, 2008

I started off my 3-day weekend at Poor Richard's. They now have a presidential style portrait of Mary Beth. The owner said they paid $1,000, the same as Mary Beth's monthly tab, to have it commissioned.

March 3, 2008

Evidently leap day isn't a holiday. Please write your Congressperson to have this changed before the next one in 2016.

March 14, 2008

Poor Richard's hasn't been as busy as usual. Haven't been selling many fake IDs lately. If things don't pick up I won't be able to attend this year's Katamari Damacy world championships in Yokohama.

March 28, 2008

Heard back from Professor Hawking regarding my paper explaining dark matter and dark energy. He said some of it was over his head and that he'll have to confer with some colleagues about it.

April 11, 2008

Went to Poor Richard's for a few drinks over lunch, but there was a sign that they were out of business.


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